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The Impact of
Black Rest

The Church of Black Rest aims to serve ‘black bodies’, defined within the Du Bois’ school of thought, but revisited and redefined by Melissa Harris-Perry, as “problematic bodies” which include:

Bodies w/ a uterus
Bodies that need access
Bodies presenting in one gender but wanting to be another gender
Bodies that are queer
Bodies that are undocumented
The people may be financially poor, middle class or wealthy
The people may be curators of rest spaces

7 hrs

Is the recommended minimum amount of sleep per night. However, Black people show the greatest global sleep disparity which is a major predictor of hypertension.


Of Black people are not getting enough sleep compared to 31% of white bodied people. 


Is the average amount of time a Black man sleeps per night. Followed closely for the second shortest duration of 6.29 hours of sleep is Black Women. 

Our Praxis: Rest is Revolutionary 

We ground our community of practice in the customs of revolution, abolition, and reparation to ensure that our practice centers Black bodies and Rest. In the near future, we hope to provide these resources as "Rest Kits" for guiding our members and greater community. 

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